04-19-05: Polearms! & We're Looking For A Few Good Artists Comment:
We've updated our website with more tasty instruments of death to whet your appetites! This time around, we present the Polearms fresh from Sir Phoenixx's forge. Long, sharp and extremely deadly in the hands of a skilled combatant, these weapons possess both an incredible range and devastating damage potential. Click on the images below to have a closer look or visit our Equipment section to learn more of these and the other arms & armour of Parmathia.
[Halberd/Lance] Modeled By: Sir Phoenixx, Textured By: Resvrgam
An additional prop; a rather painful-looking hook, can be viewed by clicking the image below or visiting the Additional Art section of our website.
[Hook] Modeled By: Sir Phoenixx, Textured By: Resvrgam
Once again, a few character concept renderings have been added to our Characters section for your viewing pleasure.
Lastly, We'd also like to take this time to announce that we are seeking talented & dedicated individuals to join our team and fulfill the following positions: Character Modeler & Animator.
04-12-05: Axes & More! Comment:
We'd like to unveil some of the more garish tools of death from our Master-of-Arms' arsenal. This time around, Sir Phoenixx's craftsmanship can be seen in the Battleaxes of Parmathia. Click on the images below for a better view or visit our Equipment section for more information detailing these and other weapons within TLP:SoW.
[Battleaxe/Morthok Axe] Modeled By: Sir Phoenixx, Textured By: Resvrgam
Some additional props encountered within our world can be viewed by clicking the images below or visiting the Additional Art section of our website.
[Urn/Amphora/Vase] Modeled By: Sir Phoenixx, Textured By: Resvrgam [Candelabra] Modeled By: Rufio, Textured By: Resvrgam
Finally, a few character concept renderings have been added to our Characters section for your viewing pleasure.
We've been rather busy in our *brief* absense from posting announcements and look forward to displaying some truly spectacular imagery very soon. Be sure to check back with us frequently because the best is yet to come.
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